Yes, You Do Need a Disposable Email Address

Category: Email , Spam

It seems everyone wants your email address -- shopping sites, your bank, your doctor, the grocery store, even the vendors at the local farmer’s market. It’s no wonder our spam filters are so busy! But I do wonder which of the many entities that have my email address gave it away, sold it, or carelessly lost it in a data breach. A disposable email address provides a handy solution to this and other privacy problems. Read on to learn more...

Here's Why You Need a Disposable Email Address

Have you encountered a website that demanded your email address to make a purchase, create an account, play a game, or gain access to information? I'm sure you have, and in some cases you've probably done so hesitantly, thinking that you might be subjecting your inbox to a flood of spam. Disposable email addresses can help you tell who the untrustworthy contacts are, and protect you from unwanted "sharing" of your contact.

A disposable email address is a temporary or anonymous email address that can forward messages to your permanent address. Ideally, any replies you send are relayed back through the disposable email address to the original sender, who never learns your permanent address. If unwanted emails suddenly start arriving through the disposable email address, you can stop it by deleting or filtering that address.

Disposable Email Addresses

You can have one disposable email address for every entity that requires an email address, if you like. Then if spam starts coming from a given disposable email address, you can be pretty certain who’s responsible.

It’s possible that a spammer just randomly generated an email address that matched one of your disposable email addresss, but it’s MUCH more likely that the entity to which you gave the disposable email address shared it willingly, by carelessness, or by theft. Data breaches are responsible for a lot of this. Having narrowed down the security leak to one entity, you can investigate and decide whether to give that entity another disposable email address or steer clear of it.

Make Your Own Disposable Email Address with Plus Adddressing

There are several ways to create disposable email addresses on your own. Some are free, and some are more work than others. My favorite is “plus addressing” with Gmail, which lets me make up a disposable email address on the spot for whoever wants it. Here is how plus addressing works, and some limitations on this technique.

Let's say your email address is Add a “+” sign and any string of characters between “whatever” and the @ symbol, for example, Now give that address to your online Chase Bank account. Repeat the process for Facebook, newsletter subscriptions, online stores, Craigslist transactions, websites with "squeeze pages" that make you supply an address to continue, and of course that hipster artisanal cheese seller at the farmer's market. All mail sent to your plus addresses will go to your inbox.

If you start getting unwanted emails at the plus address, just create a Gmail filter to send them to the Trash. For extra points, create a filter to funnel the mail from each plus address to its own Gmail folder. Just keep in mind, this trick works well for automated systems that send to you, but can be defeated by humans who are clever enough to remove the "plus" portion of the address. Also, when you reply to a message sent to one of your plus addresses, the From line will be your standard Gmail reply address, not the plus address. Not all websites will accept a Gmail address with a plus sign, but it works most of the time.

The Dot Option

Gmail also allows you to insert "." characters in your email address, and effectively ignores them. So if your address is, you can use or even and email sent to those dotted addresses will all go to the "johnsmith" inbox.

The plus sign trick also works with (formerly Hotmail) but Yahoo uses minus signs and makes the process a bit more difficult. See this page on Disposable Addresses in Yahoo to learn how it works.

Another option, if you have your own domain and receive email there, is to create email aliases. That's outside the scope of this article, but your web host or domain registrar can provide details on whether that feature is offered, and how to set it up.

Disposable Email Address Services

Yes, it is a lot of work to set up and maintain disposable addresses for all the entities with which you communicate via email. Fortunately, there are numerous disposable email address services that handle most of the heavy lifting for you. Here are some of the established and reputable disposable email address service providers:

Sneakemail bills itself as "The Original Disposable Email Address Company," and offers to hide your address from spammers and others you'd rather not be dealing with. If someone wants your email address, and you have qualms about providing it, login to Sneakemail and create a new address. If mail is sent to your Sneakemail address, it will be forwarded to your real address. Sneakemail also creates an alias for the sender of your incoming messages, so if you reply, only your Sneakemail address will be exposed to the recipient. Sneakemail costs $3/month.

Trashmail receives emails and forwards them to your permanent address. When you set up a disposable email address on Trashmail, you can set a limit on the number of emails that can be received or the number of days that may pass before the disposable email address expires. Your disposable email address can be a username of your choosing on, or 10 other domain names (,, etc.). An optional Chrome browser addon makes it more convenient to use the service. Basic service is free, but if you want more than 25 addresses, unlimited forwarding or a permanent address, Trashmail Plus can be purchased for US$21/year.

At Guerrilla Mail, you can choose a username and one of ten domain names for your free temporary email address. (My favorite is Messages are public, and are held for one hour before they are deleted. One nice feature is that you can scramble your email address, to make it harder to guess. GuerrillaMail also lets you reply to incoming messages. There's also a free Guerrilla Mail app for mobile phones, on the Google Play store. GuerrillaMail has processed over 17 billion messages!

10minutemail: Load up this site, and you immediately get a free random email address that vanishes after 10 minutes. You can get a 10-minute extension if you need it. Just refresh the page to see any incoming messages for your temporary address. View, delete or reply to any new messages that appear.

Do you use disposable email addresses? Tell me how you do it, or if you have another strategy for dealing with this problem. Post your comment or question below...

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Most recent comments on "Yes, You Do Need a Disposable Email Address"

Posted by:

08 Oct 2024

Excellent advice, and easy to implement (although in a perfect world, I shouldn't have to do it). Anyhow, thank you from UK, I've "bought Bob a Snickers" although I implore you to lay off Snickers and put the money towards a prawn salad on wholemeal instead!

Posted by:

08 Oct 2024

I use what I think is a simpler method. I own some domain names. My hosting company lets me create any number of email aliases--I have over 200. The address for this list, for example, is If I start getting spam to that address, I can simply delete the alias and subsequent mail will bounce. Mail to all of my aliases go to my main inbox, so I don't have to check multiple accounts, although I can filter specific addresses to other mail folders, forward aliases to multiple recipients, etc.

Posted by:

08 Oct 2024

I suggest using Spamgourmet.

You can protect yourself from spam in three easy steps:

1. Create a spamgourmet account. Enter your user name and the email address you want to be protected. You will be asked to identify the word in a picture and pick a password.

2. Spamgourmet will forward to this address all the emails sent to your spamgourmet addresses -- that way you don't have to tell anyone else what it is -- this is why it's called the protected address. Of course, this protected address must exist. That's why you have to confirm it. You'll receive an email asking you to confirm.

3. After you have confirmed your protected address, you can give out self-destructing email addresses whenever you want.

Posted by:

Ernest N. Wilcox Jr. (Oldster)
08 Oct 2024

I have two email accounts, and I use both to receive newsletters from sites I've chosen to subscribe to. I interact with friends & family using DM on Facebook, and I don't advertise, or freely give out either of my email addresses for any reason (I only give it to people I want to stay in tough with), so I don't receive too much spam. Apparently, I'm lucky that I've retired more than a dozen years ago, because before retirement I used email for business, and fortunately spam wasn't as much of an issue then as it seems to be now.

If you ask me, care with whom you share your email address may be the most important habit any of us can cultivate.

Ernie (Oldster)

Posted by:

11 Oct 2024

I've used a variation on this technique for several decades. Akin to the method in Sam's post (Oct. 8), I have a personal .com domain that I use for email only - no website, etc. By putting any string of characters in front of the "@" symbol, I can assign a correspondent or vendor a unique email address for reaching me. Then I set up a filter in my email client that sends email to a mailbox unique to that correspondent or vendor. This technique also amounts to creating a whitelist that filters email in way that allows me to quickly and automatically segregate spam and allows me to see whether a correspondent or vendor is selling the email address to third parties.

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